Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Garcinia mangostana

Mangostine is a tropical fruit found to be grown in tropical region where there is heavy rainfall.It is a slow growing evergreen tree producing sweet,soft and delicious fruit with exciting flovour.The fruit is the size of a saporta and hard shell inside which there are three to five seeds,each covered with a thick,white melting pulp with an exceptional aroma.The mangosteen tree with large shining leaves is the most beautiful to look at.
It serves mainly as a freash fruit ot topping for icecream.The fruit have medical value to strengthen the appetite and to cure indigestion.
Mangosteen trees can adapt to different kinds of soils from hilly red soils mixed with gravels to kian ub tge plains.It requires a tropical climate with high humidity,high temperature and abundant rainfall and shady environment.

Mangosteen is mainly propagated by seeds.The seeds are 2 cm long and 1 cm in diameter,low in viability, but can germinate in 4-6 days.Mangosteen can also be propagated by grafting,budding or air layering.Traeting with IBA promotes rooting in air layer.

Planting and manuring
Pits of size 60 cm x 60cm x 60cm are taken and filled with top soil and FYM.Then the seedling are planted at a spooring of 7 to 10 m depending on the location and fertility of the soil types.Mulching of each plant is very beneficial to keep the soil moist and to avoid weed grown.
Fertilizers are applied three times in year to the bearing trees.
a) before flowring
b) after fruit set and
c) after fruit.

In each time 0.25kg N/tree is applied along with 20-25kg.FYM/tree P2O5 @ 0.5kg per tree is suggested after harvesting of fruits.

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