Monday, June 19, 2023

Bird eye chilli

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dove Orchid

Can't you see a dove in that flower?
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Cocoa Plant

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Water in well at a hand apart

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


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Sunday, July 17, 2011


The saporta,sapodilla or bully tree ,which is commomly called saporta in India,belongs to the family Saportaceae.It is a tropical tree native to Tropical America.
 It is a tropical fruit which likes warm,moist weather.It thrives in places where maximum and minimum temperature do not go beyond 34 degree C and 11 degree C.It does nit like hot dry summer.It can be grown in places where the temperature touches the freezing-point only for short period.It grows on hills in South India up to a height of 1000 metres,but it does not do well above 500 meters.It thrives in areas with 100 to 150 cm. rainfall.It can grow in a variety of soils ,but sandy soils the plants are uprooted by strong winds.

The tree bears fruit.Some uses the milky latex from the bark of the yields an important commercial product ,gutta percha which forms the base for the manufacture of chewing-gum.
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Coffee is used as a beverage crop.Coffee is grown in tropical countries.Coffee belong to a family Rubiaceae.About seven varities of coffee are cultivated economically.Of these Coffee arabica and C. canephora are commercially cultivated.

C. canephora is a shrub or bush with profuse branching and dark green leaves.The flower are self-fertile.It takes 8-9 months to mature into fruits after fertilization.Each fruit produces two seeds.
Global production : Coffee is one of the important agricultural commodities of internation trade.It is grown in over 80 countries.The major producing countries are Brazil,Coloumbia,Gautemala,Uganda,Cote de'ivoire,Mexico,India and Indionasia.
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